• 1111
  • Do you see repeating numbers does 11:11 catch your eye?

    As a young teenager I would already question the TV programs my parents would watch. I’d sit with them for an hour or two to show my interest in their hobbies and as I’m the generation where our life’s have been fully documented, given a computer class since second grade if I remember correctly, yet even before this I was accustomed to video games like sega I believe not to have the correct spelling.

    Where was I going with this… yes the TV programs about red carpets and gala’s on people we’ve never seen beforehand.

    Always question everything, I asked myself why do I know a whole lot more about these people than myself or anyone around me. I started to concentrate more on myself, maybe past childhood trauma brought this kind of thinking, or the IBO program at my school.

    It’s a process nothing instantly changes, and it is also a choice, once you walk out of the matrix there’s no going back, no downgrading after you’ve made a change.

    Be kind, loved